It is never enough to have just one handbag or wallet. Handbags & wallets are essential to a diversified wardrobe and you need to have several that you can match with various outfits. If you are on the market looking for new handbags & wallets, we have 8 propositions for models that are unique, creative, and practical.
8. Metallic Suede Concertina Card Holder
Sometimes you do not feel like going out and taking a large purse. A wallet may suffice. For those occasions, it is nice to have something like the Metallic Suede Concertina card holder. Designed to be the size of a wallet, this simple yet elegant card holder is a great accessory to have.
7. Paper Cross-Body Bag
The Paper Cross-Body bag is a great choice if you are looking for accessories that work well with a casual summer outfit. It is made using crocheted paper and has a thin leather strap. The bag offers reasonable storage space and it is lightweight.
6. Raffia Phone Neck Pouch
For everyday use, handbags & wallets are not enough. A neck pouch is a bit more practical as it is somewhere in between. The Raffia neck pouch is large enough to hold a wallet and your smartphone while still feeling lightweight and comfortable to wear.
5. Relaxed Faux-Fur Shopper Bag
The Relaxed faux-fur shopper bag is a bit unusual when compared to regular shopper bags. It has a modern but minimalistic design with a faux-fur exterior and plenty of storage space. The model also features faux-fur handles.
4. Boho Suede Shopper Bag
If you want a shopper bag that has a bit of elegance and a premium feel to it, the Boho Suede should be the right model for you. The bag is made using Italian suede with a front steam detail and a practical long leather strap.
3. Shearling Tote Bag
Tote bags can be boring. For a more modern and youthful outfit, you need handbags & wallets that stand out. The Shearling tote bag is an excellent example of originality and luxury. It is made entirely out of premium sheep skin and features a white leather strap.
2. Suede Cross-Body Saddle Bag
A cross-body saddle bag is considered extremely practical. They are usually compact yet offer just enough storage. At the same time, they are easy to wear and if they are made using high-quality suede, they can be mixed and matched with all sorts of outfits.
1. Leather Wristlet Clutch Bag
The Leather Wristlet Clutch bag is an excellent choice if you are looking for something versatile. It is reasonably large as it can hold a phone and wallet as well as a few other small items. The model is made entirely out of leather and features a small wrist strap that can be removed.